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 02-10-2018, 15:01 Post: 121219

Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Vermont
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
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 Kimber TLE II: what d'ya say?


You are already aware of the necessity for using a Quality Firearm.
I have taught Marksmanship to many a Soldier over the years and the one thing I have ALWAYS needed to know was simply, "Was it the weapon or the soldier that missed?" If you buy a quality firearm to begin with. then the question in the miss is YOU and then you are more easily able to address the problem and correct it. The first thing YOU must learn to do as a shooter is to ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG. 95% of ALL male shooters will make excuses, "The Sun got in my eyes, it was a bad round, the trigger screwed up, etc etc" these are the Soldiers who stay average at best. I have taught a lot of women and they are easier to teach for they don't seem to have an Ego that always gets in the Way. The TOP TWO Rifle shooters in the U.S> Army Combat Rifle Matches are women, a Toni-Lyn Kerin from Pa and Bev Spugin from Wyoming. Many a male would love to shoot the groups and scores those two did.
I will also add that you will learn more from a single misfire than you will from 10,000 rounds of Good ammo.
If you have not accomlished hitting the target within 9 rounds (shoot no less than 3 rd groups) then look at yourself, you do NOT need to polish a Bad Habit. Polished Bad Habits are hard to break.
Always go to the Firing Line with the list of Positive things To Do and NOT the Negitive list, the reason is that the positive will be so much shorter and you wll have time to shoot after checking the smaller POSITIVE CHECK LIST.
Do not panic if you aren't shooting X s all of the time, you will have to play with loads, projectile weights etc etc.
Before firing your first shot, work on POSITION, position is extremely important for good Marksmanship. Get your body to help you NOT work against you with Muscle fatique etc.
I prefer the FOAM EAR PLUGS, they seem to work so much better than the over the ear or Rubber type, I have fired on 75 point Ranges with shooters on both sides and the FOAM did a better job blocking the noise. Stand a little bit back from the other shooters on either side as well so their concussions doesn't affect you.
Get your breathing down and NEVER hold your breath for more than 10 seconds or you will have eye fatigue from lack of Oxygen.
discplin yourself to have a Follow Through with every shot.
Good Luck and have a great time shooting,
In Shooting "HAPPINESS IS A TIGHT ONE" smile

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